LALR parser generator for PHP

I’ve been tinkering forever with parser generators; mostly to get behind how they work and what I can do with them.

A (long) while ago, I found myself in need for a Bison-like parser generator for PHP and there was none.


Apache Range header vulnerability script

I wrote an upgraded variant of the Apache killer script propagated on Full Disclosure capable of HTTPS requests. Also, other than its descendant, it can follow a server’s initial response for redirection which the original script interprets as the server not being vulnerable.

Script is available here: [Download not found]

This script merely checks for vulnarabilities but will not exploit them.

yasco released

My first release of a project is yasco. yasco (yet another source code obfuscator) is a medium-weight Javascript source code obfuscator written in Perl.

yasco has been made available on Google Code. Details on the project’s page.