To deprecate or not to deprecate

As of version 5.3 of PHP, certain features and functions are [considered deprecated][1]. It comes with the territory. In major version changes, new features are added while old stuff is discarded. Unsurprisingly – and lucky for me, with that change in versions comes yet another WTF for me to rant about.



The whitespace of death

As the first entry to the list of my PHP-related WTFs, I present:

**The whitespace of death**

This one has taken me almost a **full hour** to sort out. There may be some good features to PHP, yet this one I don’t think is even one. It should be considered a bug. As my experience has grown in [reporting bugs myself][php-bug1] or trying to [report a bug][php-bug2], I reconsidered and chose not to report it as a “bug”.

