SQL::QueryBuilder::OO – Object oriented SQL query builder
use SQL::QueryBuilder::OO;
$sql = sqlQueryBase::select(qw(id title description), {name => 'author'})
->innerJoin('users', 'userId')
->leftJoin({'comments' => 'c'}, sqlCondition::EQ('userId', 'c.from'))
->orderBy({'timestamp' => 'DESC'});
$dbh->do($sql, undef, $sql->gatherBoundArgs());
This module provides for an object oriented way to create complex SQL queries
while maintaining code readability. It supports conditions construction and
bound query parameters. While the module is named `SQL::QueryBuilder::OO`, this
name is actually not used when constructing queries. The three main packages to
build queries are `sqlQueryBase`, `sqlCondition` and `sqlQuery`.
The project is actually a port of PHP classes to construct queries used in one
of my proprietary projects (which may explain the excessive use of the scope
resolution operator (`::`) in the module’s sytax).
The package to provide builder interfaces is called `sqlQueryBase` and has
these methods:
SELECT queries
* select(*COLUMNS…*[, *OPTIONS*])
Creates a SELECT query object. Columns to select default to `*` if none are
given. They are otherwise to be specified as a list of expressions that can be
literal column names or HASH references with column aliases.
Column names are quoted where appropriate:
# Build SELECT * query
$all = sqlQueryBase::select();
# Build SELECT ... query
$sql = sqlQueryBase::select(
# literal column names
qw(id title),
# column alias
{'u.username' => 'author', timestamp => 'authored'},
# SELECT specific options
The references returned from the above statements are blessed into an internal
package. Those internal packages will not be documented here, since they may be
subject to change. Their methods, however, are those of a valid SQL SELECT
statement. When constructing queries you’ll **have to maintain the order** of
SQL syntax. This means, that the following will be treated as an error
*by perl itself*:
$sql = sqlQueryBase::select()
# -> Can't locate object method "where" via package "sqlSelectAssemble" at ...
The correct order would have been:
$sql = sqlQueryBase::select()
The following methods are available to construct the query further:
* from(*TABLES…*)
This obviously represents the “FROM” part of a select query. It accepts a list
of string literals as table names or table aliases:
$sql = sqlQueryBase::select()->from('posts', {'user' => 'u'});
* leftJoin(*TABLE*, *CONDITION*)
* innerJoin(*TABLE*, *CONDITION*)
* rightJoin(*TABLE*, *CONDITION*)
These methods extend the “FROM” fragment with a left, inner or right table join.
The table name can either be a string literal or a HASH reference for aliasing
table names.
The condition should either be an `sqlCondition` object (see [Creating conditions](#creating-conditions)):
# SELECT * FROM `table_a` LEFT JOIN `table_b` ON(`column_a` = `column_b`)
$sql = sqlQueryBase::select()
->leftJoin('table_b', sqlCondition::EQ('column_a', 'column_b'));
…or a string literal of a common column name for the USING clause:
# SELECT * FROM `table_a` LEFT JOIN `table_b` USING(`id`)
$sql = sqlQueryBase::select()
->leftJoin('table_b', 'id');
* where(*CONDITION*)
This represents the “WHERE” part of a SELECT query. It will accept **one** object
of the `sqlCondition` package (see [Creating conditions](#creating-conditions)).
* groupBy(*COLUMNS…*)
This represents the “GROUP BY” statement of a SELECT query.
* having(*CONDITION*)
This represents the “HAVING” part of a SELECT query. It will accept **one** object
of the `sqlCondition` package (see [Creating conditions](#creating-conditions)).
* orderBy(*COLUMNS…*)
This represents the “ORDER BY” statement of a SELECT query. Columns are expected
to be string literals or HASH references (**one** member only) with ordering
$sql = sqlQueryBase::select()
->orderBy('id', {timestamp => 'DESC'}, 'title');
* limit(*COUNT[, OFFSET]*)
This represents the “LIMIT” fragment of a SELECT query. It deviates from the
standard SQL expression, as the limit count **is always** the first argument to
this method, regardless of a given offset.
Conditions can be used as a parameter for `leftJoin`, `having`, `innerJoin`,
`rightJoin` or `where`. They are constructed with the `sqlCondition` package,
whose methods are not exported due to their generic names. Instead, the
“namespace” has to be mentioned for each conditional:
$cond = sqlCondition::AND(
sqlCondition::BETWEEN('stamp', "2013-01-06", "2014-03-31"));
Those are all operators:
### Booleans
To logically connect conditions, the following to methods are available:
Connect one or more conditions with a boolean AND.
Connect one or more conditions with a boolean OR.
Negate a condition with an unary NOT.
### Relational operators
All relational operators expect a mandatory column name as their first argument
and a second optional ride-hand-side column name.
If the optional second parameter is left out, the conditional can be bound (see
[Binding parameters](#binding-parameters)).
**Eq**ual to operator (`=`).
**N**ot **e**qual to operator (`!=`).
**L**ess **t**han operator (<
**G**reater **t**han operator (>
**L**ess **t**han or **e**qual to operator (<=
**G**reater **t**han or **e**qual to operator (>=
### SQL specific operators
Creates an “x BETWEEN start AND end” conditional.
Creates an “x IN(…)” conditional.
**Note** that, if bound, this method **will** croak if it encounters an empty
list. *This behavior is subject to change in future versions: the statement
will be reduced to a “falsy” statement and a warning will be issued.*
Creates an “x IS NULL” conditional.
Creates an “x IS NOT NULL” conditional.
Creates an “x LIKE pattern” conditional.
**Note** that the pattern is passed unmodified. Beware of the LIKE pitfalls
concerning the characters `%` and `_`.
An SQL conditional can be bound against a parameter via its `bind()` method:
$cond = sqlCondition::AND(
print $cond; # "`id` = ? AND NOT(`category` IN(?))"
@args = $cond->gatherBoundArgs(); # (sqlValueInt(1337),sqlValueList([1,2,3,4]))
A special case are conditionals bound against `undef` (which is the equivalent
to SQL `NULL`):
$cat = undef;
$cond = sqlCondition::OR(
print $cond; # `author` IS NULL OR `category` IS NOT NULL
@args = $cond->gatherBoundArgs(); # ()
Since `author` = NULL
would never be “true”, the condition is replaced with
the correct `author` IS NULL
(Note that the first conditional
could actually be written `sqlCondition::ISNULL(‘author’)`. The substitution is
thus useful when binding against variables of unknown content).
* Implement support for UPDATE, INSERT, REPLACE and DELETE statements.
* Implement support for UNION.
* `Params::Validate`
Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Oliver Schieche.
This software is a free library. You can modify and/or distribute it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Oliver Schieche <schiecheo@cpan.org>
$Id: OO.pm 21 2014-03-31 11:46:37Z schieche $